Click on the issues above and click on candidates below for more details.
O' Malley
Jim Webb
Jeb Bush
Ben Carson
Chris Christie
Ted Cruz
Carly Fiorina
Jim Gilmore
Lindsey Graham
Mick Huckabee
Bobby Jindal
John Kasich
George Pataki
Rand Paul
Rick Perry
Marco Rubio
Rick Santorum
Donald Trump
Scott Walker
Amid all the mudslinging and maneuvering, the hype and the histrionics, it’s easy to forget what a presidential campaign is really about: the issues. Yahoo Politics is here to help. From now until Election Day, we’ll be keeping track of where every candidate stands on the topics that matter most. Whenever one of the 2016 White House hopefuls releases a new plan, we’ll summarize it for you. Whenever one of them changes his or her position, we’ll explain how. And we’ll keep adding new policy roundups along the way.

Bookmark this page. It’s your definitive, up-to-the-minute guide to the debates that will define the 2016 campaign — and America’s future.

Research: Sean Billings, Gabby Kaufman, Andrew Romano, Michael Walsh and Chris Wilson
Copy editors: Alan Edelstein and Kenneth Gee
Design and programming: Gordon Donovan and Dave Sklar    Photos: Associated Press