Yahoo Fast Flicks Video Awards




1. This contest is run by Yahoo! Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. (Company Registration No. 199700735D), a company incorporated in Singapore and having its office at 60 Anson Road, #13-01 Mapletree Anson, Singapore 079914 ("Yahoo").


2. By entering this contest you agree to these terms and conditions which shall at that time become binding between you and Yahoo. Your participation in the contest is in consideration for Yahoo allowing you to enter it and giving you the opportunity to win a prize.


3. No purchase is necessary in order to enter the contest.


4. You must be (a) Singaporean or Permanent Resident of Singapore or (b) residing in Singapore at the time of entry in order to enter into this contest. If you are below the age of eighteen (18), you must provide a written permission from your parent or legal guardian before taking part in this contest (download permission form). Please scan and email the soft copy of the form to and mail the hard copy to Kerene Ng, Yahoo Fast Flicks, 60 Anson Road #13-01 Mapletree Anson Singapore 079914. Employees of Yahoo or any of its group companies or its agencies associated with this promotion, and their immediate family members, are not eligible to enter or participate. Each person (whether as part of a team or otherwise) shall only be allowed to submit one entry. For example, if A is already on a team of 4 persons, then A shall not be allowed to submit any other entries. If A does so, then A and the team that he is on shall be disqualified.


5. You may form teams for this contest, and there are no limits to the number of team members a team may have. Any breach of any terms and conditions by any member of the team shall be construed as a breach of the terms and conditions of the entire team, and all members of the team shall be jointly and severally liable for the breach of any one member of the team. Multiple entries by the same individual or group not allowed. Each entry can be submitted by an individual or a group. If it is submitted by a group, the entry must be represented by one person in the group.


6. The prizes for the contest are as follows:


(a) First place: SGD 15,000 and an invitation to attend the Singapore International Film Festival + Nikon DSLR D810 Body + AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G worth over SGD 5,000! + 1 Gallon Tin (The Chicago Mix) Popcorn from Garrett Popcorn


(b) Second place: SGD 5,000 and an invitation to attend the Singapore International Film Festival + Nikon COOLPIX P600 + 1 Gallon Tin (The Chicago Mix) Popcorn from Garrett Popcorn


(c) Third place: SGD 3,000 and an invitation to attend the Singapore International Film Festival+ Nikon COOLPIX P600 + 1 Gallon Tin (The Chicago Mix) Popcorn from Garrett Popcorn


The Singapore International Film Festival shall take place on the following dates: (1) Opening Film on 4 December 2014 (2) Silver Screen Awards on 13 December 2014 and (3) Closing Film on 14 December 2014. The winners of the above mentioned prizes (“Winners”) must attend the Singapore International Film Festival and use best efforts to walk down the red carpet during that Festival. The Winners’ videos may also be played on the Singapore International Film Festival Ltd’s online properties.


The Winners and the next two runner ups (i.e. fourth and fifth placed) shall also be provided an opportunity to showcase their films in the monthly film event organised by The Substation known as “First Take” provided they obtain the necessary clearance from Media Development Authority. The Winners and the two runner ups must use best efforts to work with The Substation to participate in the monthly film event “First Take”. Yahoo reserves the right to change or substitute any of the prizes.


7. The contest shall run from Oct 7 2014 0800hours (Singapore time) to Oct 28 2014 2359 hours (Singapore time) (the “Contest Period”).


8. To be eligible for the contest, you must submit your application as detailed on the contest page at (the “Contest Site”). You must submit an original video of no longer than two-minutes long (including opening and ending credits) (“Entries”). All Entries must be created for the purposes of this Contest and must not have been submitted in any other competitions. All Entries must be in high definition (HD) quality. All Entries shall comply with Yahoo’s requirements as set out on the Contest Site, including all requirements relating to format, file size and other attributes. All Entries shall adhere to the given theme “YOLO”. All Entries shall be uploaded automatically by you onto the Contest Site via a third party server and your Entry shall be hosted by a third party server. You agree to take on any risk associated with the use of such third party server to host and to upload the Entries onto the Contest Site and shall not hold Yahoo responsible for any loss to you in relation to this third party server. Entries must be received not later than the expiry of the Contest Period, after which no further application shall be accepted.


9. At the end of the Contest Period, Yahoo shall select 30 entries (such number may be subject to change and it is up to the discretion of Yahoo) to be the final entries (“30 Final Entries”) from all the valid Entries, and the selection criteria shall be based on content, originality, creativity, entertainment value and production quality - in terms of cinematography, graphics, music composition, acting and direction (“Selection Criteria”). These 30 Final Entries shall be placed on the Contest Site (or such other page on any of Yahoo Properties as Yahoo may decide) for the public to view.


10. All the 30 Final Entries shall be further evaluated by a panel of representatives chosen by Yahoo (“Jury”) during a closed door event on a date to be set by Yahoo, and a further 11 top entries from the 30 Final Entries (“Top 11 Entries”) shall once again be selected based on the Selection Criteria. The participants who had submitted these Top 11 Entries must be available to attend the award ceremony (“Awards Night”), which shall take place on 14 November 2014, otherwise, they shall be disqualified and Yahoo may choose to award the Top 11 Entries to other participants. If any of the participants of the Top 11 Entries are part of a team, then all the team members would have to attend the Awards Night, otherwise they would be disqualified. The participants who had submitted these Top 11 Entries shall also submit all “behind the scenes” photographs (if any) showcasing the work they did when producing such entries to Yahoo for marketing purposes.


11. On the Awards Night, a further Top 5 Entries from the Top 11 Entries shall be selected by the Jury based on the Selection Criteria and these Top 5 Entries shall be announced on the Awards Night. The participants of these Top 5 Entries must participate in a live “Question and Answer” question with the Jury. The Winners of the First Place, Second Place and Third Place shall be based on the performance of the team during the live “Question and Answer” as judged by the Jury in the Jury’s own discretions, as well as the Selection Criteria. The First place, Second Place and Third place must attend the Singapore International Film Festival which shall take place on 4 December 2014, 13 December 2014 and 14 December 2014 (“Singapore International Film Festival”), otherwise Yahoo shall only be liable to pay half of the prize money as set out in Clause 6 above.


12. After the Singapore International Film Festival, Yahoo shall contact the Winners and they may collect their prize money during office hours between 22 December 2014 to 9 January 2015 at Yahoo’s office: 60 Anson Road, #13-01 Mapletree Anson, Singapore 079914.


13. Winners shall be required to present a proof of identification when claiming the Prize. In the event that a representative is collecting the Prize, the winner’s authorization letter and proof of identification as well as the representative’s proof of identification shall be required.


14. Winners must collect their Prizes by January 31 2015. Yahoo does not accept any responsibility for any winner's failure to collect his/her Prize. Yahoo may award, assign or dispose of any uncollected Prizes in any manner in its sole discretion.


15. Reporting and payment of all applicable taxes, fees, and/or surcharges, if any, arising out of, or resulting from, acceptance or use of a Prize are the sole responsibility of the winner of that Prize.


16. (a) Your personal information shall be used by Yahoo in accordance with Yahoo's Privacy Policy, currently located at


(b) If you are a Winner, Yahoo may use your information collected during the contest for marketing or promotional purposes, whether related to this contest or otherwise. You would also have to commit to interviews, photo shoots and other marketing projects related to this competition with Yahoo until 31 December 2015.


17. You represent and warrant that:


(a) you shall behave and conduct yourself professionally and appropriately;


(b) you own all rights, titles and interests to and in any slogan and/or any other materials submitted in your Entry on the Contest Site (the “Materials”) and can provide written confirmation of any of the above upon request. You further warrant and represent that the Materials are original and have been legally obtained and created, and do not infringe the intellectual property rights or any other legal or moral rights of any third party and the Entries can be publicly performed, broadcast for the purposes of the Contest. You also warrant and represent that the Materials have been created for the purpose of this Contest and have not been submitted for any other competitions;


(c) the Materials are entirely original and does not plagiarize in any way any third party rights;


(d) you own full legal and equitable moral rights, copyrights, licenses and all other intellectual property rights to perform, publish, broadcast and otherwise deal with the Entries for the purposes of and as contemplate by the Contest (“IP Rights”). If any music is incorporated into the Entries, you represent and warrant that (a) only royalty-free stock music has been used, (b) such royalty-free stock music has had all rights fully cleared for use, and (c) Yahoo and its Affiliates shall be able and entitled to use the Entries anywhere in the world without clearing, obtaining or paying for any additional rights, including public performance rights, communication or transmission to the public rights or similar rights. You shall be solely responsible for obtaining, and making any payments in respect of, any and all third party clearances, consents, permissions and licenses necessary or desirable for the clearances referred to in the foregoing.


(e) all Entries are in good taste, appropriate and in compliance with all applicable laws and social norms. Without limiting the generality of the previous sentence, Entries should not contain racism, sex, nudity, violence, xenophobia, bigotry, misogyny and anti-LGBT content.


Yahoo may take legal action, including lodging formal reports with the applicable authorities, if you breach any of the above representations and warranties.


18. You hereby grant to Yahoo and its affiliates, legal representatives, assigns and licensees and the Singapore International Film Festival Ltd a perpetual license to copy (as appropriate), reproduce, encode, store, copy, transmit, publish, broadcast, display, publicly perform, exhibit, archive, distribute, modify, translate, create teaser content (including an excerpt, headline, thumbnail photograph, audiovisual clip or summary), render into audible format, publicly display, publicly perform and communicate to the public your Materials in whole or in part via any means (including the Internet or in connection with any of Yahoo’s or the Singapore International Film Festival Ltd’s property).


19. You hereby grant to Yahoo and its affiliates, legal representatives, assigns and licensees, all a perpetual right to use (without limitation as to when or to the number of times used), your name, address, image, voice, likeness, statements, biographical material and Materials (in each case, as submitted or as edited by Yahoo, in Yahoo's sole discretion), as well as any additional photographic images, video images, portraits, interviews or other materials relating to you and arising out of your participation in this contest (with or without using your name) (collectively, the "Additional Materials") in any media throughout the world for advertising and publicity purposes without additional review, compensation, or approval.


20. You agree to indemnify and hold Yahoo and its respective subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, agents, co-branders or other partners, and any of their employees (collectively, the "Contest Entities"), harmless from any and all claims, damages, expenses, costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees) and liabilities (including settlements), brought or asserted by any third party against any of the Contest Entities due to or arising out of your Materials or Additional Materials in this contest, including but not limited to trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property rights, right of publicity, right of privacy and defamation.


21. Yahoo may terminate, amend or revoke these terms and conditions, the contest or any prize at any time: (a) if Yahoo determines or reasonably believes that you do not comply with any of these terms and conditions or are unlikely to do so or that your application was not original or plagiarizes in any way any third party’s rights, (b) if Yahoo decides in its absolute discretion to withdraw the contest before any winners are notified, or thereafter (c) if any circumstances beyond Yahoo’s reasonable control prevent or restrict Yahoo or any other person or party from providing the Prize or any aspect of the Prize, (d) if Yahoo determines or reasonably believes that the content for the basis of your film is unoriginal or bears any resemblance to any other production.


22. Yahoo shall have the right at its sole discretion to disqualify any participant found to be or in Yahoo’s reasonable opinion has been: (a) tampering or attempting to tamper with the submission of entries, the selection process or any Yahoo property or service; (b) violating these terms and conditions or any applicable law or regulation; (c) violating the terms of service, conditions of use and/or general rules or guidelines of any Yahoo property or service; (d) acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person; or (e) improperly obtaining or attempting to improperly obtain an unfair advantage, over other participants in this contest. Further, Yahoo reserves the right to disqualify any entry or application which, in Yahoo's sole opinion, is deemed to be offensive, disparaging to the Yahoo or otherwise portraying Yahoo in a negative manner, libellous, slanderous, inflammatory, or otherwise inappropriate in any way for this contest.


23. You may not assign or transfer your rights or obligations, or subcontract your obligations, under these terms and conditions, such as giving a prize to anyone else, without Yahoo’s prior written consent. Yahoo may assign or transfer its rights or obligations, or subcontract its obligations, under these terms and conditions without your consent.


24. Yahoo or its licensors retain and reserves all rights in and to each website, and all aspects of the contest and each prize, including all derivatives, developments, modifications and improvements.


25. These terms and conditions, and any instructions from Yahoo, constitute the entire agreement between you and Yahoo, superseding any prior agreements between you and Yahoo on the subject matter herein. Any failure or delay by Yahoo in exercising or enforcing, or partial exercise or enforcement of, any right or provision of these terms and conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision (or waive any further exercise or enforcement) or any other right or provision. If any provision of these terms and conditions is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavour to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision and the other provisions of the terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect.


26. These terms and conditions and any dispute relating thereto or between you and us shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore.




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