Yahoo AR Run Contest

Terms and Conditions

  1. This contest is run by Yahoo! Singapore Digital Marketing Pte. Ltd. (Co. Reg. No. 200713564D), a company incorporated in Singapore and having its registered office at 60 Anson Road, #12-01 Mapletree Anson, Singapore 079914 ("Verizon Media"). 
  2. By entering this contest you agree to these terms and conditions which shall at that time become binding between you and Verizon Media. Your participation in the contest is in consideration for Verizon Media allowing you to enter it and giving you the opportunity to win a prize. 
  3. No purchase is necessary in order to enter the contest. There is no fee charged to enter into this contest.
  4. You must be at least 18 years of age and a citizen or permanent resident of Singapore to enter into this contest and receive a prize if you win. Employees of Verizon Media or any of its group companies or its agencies associated with this promotion, and their immediate family members, are not eligible to enter or participate. Entrants shall be deemed to be the natural person to whom the email address (provided on entry) is registered. Only one entry per person is permitted.
  5. The prizes for the contest (the “Prize”) are set out on the contest posts on Yahoo Facebook and Instagram page. There is no cash alternative. Verizon Media reserves the right to change or substitute any of the prizes.
  6. The contest shall run for the period set out on the Contest Page (the “Contest Period”). Entries must be received no later than the expiry of the Contest Period, after which no further application shall be accepted. Verizon Media shall not be responsible for and shall not consider any incomplete or incorrect entries. Verizon Media shall not be responsible for any entries that are sent but not received by Verizon Media for any reason. 
  7. To be eligible for the contest, you must submit your application as detailed on the contest posts on Yahoo Facebook and Instagram page. You are entitled to one prize only during this contest, and will not be eligible for subsequent prizes under this contest even if you win again.
  8. The following criteria apply: (a) in contests in which winners are selected at random, the odds of winning depend upon the number of entries received and cannot be determined in advance; (b) in contests in which winners are selected based upon skill or accomplishments, winners shall be chosen by Verizon Media on the merits of each entry, in Verizon Media's sole and absolute discretion; (c) in contests in which winners are selected on the basis of being the nth person to complete a stated action, the winner shall be that person provided that he or she validly completes the action, validity being determined by Verizon Media, in its sole and absolute discretion; and (d) in contests and polls in which Verizon Media solicits votes by the public to help decide the winner, while the results of such polls may be a considered factor in determining the winner, the winner shall ultimately be selected by Verizon Media in its sole and absolute discretion.
  9. All entries submitted must not contain material which is (or promotes activities which are) sexually explicit, obscene, pornographic, violent, discriminatory, illegal, offensive, threatening, profane or harassing or which is otherwise inappropriate, in the sole discretion of Verizon Media, nor may the name submitted contain any derogatory references to Verizon Media or any other person or entity including brand or trademarks of Verizon Media or any other person or entity.  You represent and warrant that you own all rights, titles and interests to and in the entries submitted, and that all the materials in the entries are original and have been legally obtained and created and do not infringe the intellectual property rights or any other legal or moral rights of any third party. Unless otherwise stated in the Contest Page, copyright in all entries submitted remains with you. Subject to the aforesaid clause, once entries are submitted, you grant to Verizon Media permission to feature the entries in any of Verizon Media’s own and operated websites, or social media accounts. Verizon Media reserves sole and absolute right to remove any entries that it deems inappropriate or does not comply with these terms and conditions.
  10. Each winner of a Prize shall be notified via private message within 5 days after the end of the Contest Period. If Verizon Media is unable to contact any initial selected winner, Verizon Media reserves the right to select another contestant as a winner. The details of each winner including any picture and video may be posted on Verizon Media websites. Every reasonable effort shall be made to contact the winners. If a winner does not respond within 2 days of the end of the Contest Period, the Prize shall revert to Verizon Media and may be awarded to another entrant at Verizon Media’s absolute discretion.
  11. The Prizes shall be available for collection during office hours at the following designated Verizon Media office: Yahoo! Singapore Digital Marketing Pte. Ltd. 60 Anson Road, #12-01 Mapletree Anson, Singapore 079914, or such other place as informed to you by Verizon Media. 
  12. Winners shall be required to present a proof of identification and Verizon Media’s notification when claiming the Prize. In the event that a representative is collecting the Prize, the winner’s authorization letter and proof of identification as well as the representative’s proof of identification shall be required.
  13. Winners must collect their Prizes as communicated by Verizon Media. Verizon Media does not accept any responsibility for any winner's failure to collect his/her Prize. Verizon Media may award, assign or dispose of any uncollected Prizes in any manner in its sole discretion.
  14. Reporting and payment of all applicable taxes, fees, and/or surcharges, if any, arising out of, or resulting from, acceptance or use of a Prize are the sole responsibility of the winner of that Prize. For the avoidance of doubt, except as specifically stated, the prizes do not include and Verizon Media shall not be responsible or liable for any tax, insurance, telecommunication charge, travel expense and/or any other personal expense that the winners incur or may incur in connection with the acceptance, receipt or use of the Prizes or travel to and from the Prize redemption venue, which shall remain the sole responsibility of the winners. Verizon Media expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability for any damage, injury or loss to or suffered by any person, entity or property directly or indirectly arising from or relating to the delivery, collection and/or subsequent use of any Prize. Verizon Media makes no representations or warranties whether express or implied, or in fact or in law, concerning the quality, appearance, safety or performance of any Prize awarded. Verizon Media is not obliged to and shall not replace any Prize with a similar prize or any other prizes, in the event the winner and/or his/her designee or nominee are unable to enjoy the Prize. Verizon Media shall not replace any lost or stolen prize items.
  15. Your personal information shall be used by Verizon Media to conduct the contest, for participation in the Prize and in accordance with Verizon Media's Privacy Policy, currently located at addition, if you are a winner of a Prize or if you had consented to your personal information being used for marketing or promotional purposes via a pop-up notice on the Contest Page, Verizon Media may use your information collected during the contest for marketing or promotional purposes, including using your name and likeness to announce the winners online as described above.
  16. You agree to the processing by Verizon Media, Verizon Media’s affiliates of personal information about you submitted for the sole purposes of this contest when you enter this contest or collected if you participate in in the contest.
  17. Except as otherwise required by applicable law, Verizon Media is not responsible for any loss or damage associated with you entering into this contest, the carrying out of the draw or the provision or otherwise of any aspect of any prize or any act or omission of any other person or party, and all warranties, conditions and representations (of any kind) not expressly set out in these terms and conditions are hereby excluded.
  18. Verizon Media may terminate these terms and conditions, the contest or any prize if you do not comply with any of these terms and conditions or are unlikely to do so, if Verizon Media decides in its absolute discretion to withdraw the contest before any winners are notified, or thereafter if any circumstances beyond Verizon Media’s reasonable control prevent or restrict Verizon Media or any other person or party from providing the Prize or any aspect of the Prize.
  19. Verizon Media reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to alter the contest rules at any time.
  20. Verizon Media shall have the right at its sole discretion to disqualify any participant found to be or in Verizon Media’s reasonable opinion has been: (a) tampering or attempting to tamper with the submission of entries, the selection process or any Verizon Media property or service; (b) violating these terms and conditions or any applicable law or regulation; (c) violating the terms of service, conditions of use and/or general rules or guidelines of any Verizon Media property or service; (d) acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person; or (e) improperly obtaining or attempting to improperly obtain an unfair advantage, over other participants in this contest. Further, Verizon Media reserves the right to disqualify any entry or application which, in Verizon Media's sole opinion, is deemed to be offensive, disparaging to the Verizon Media or otherwise portraying Verizon Media in a negative manner, libellous, slanderous, inflammatory, or otherwise inappropriate in any way for this contest.
  21. You agree that (unless applicable law requires otherwise) any right that you have under applicable law to cancel ends when the winner of the contest is announced. If thereafter you cannot participate in any prize for reasons beyond your reasonable control, you must notify Verizon Media and Verizon Media may in its absolute discretion give that prize to someone else.
  22. You may not assign or transfer your rights or obligations, or subcontract your obligations, under these terms and conditions, such as giving a prize to anyone else, without Verizon Media’s prior written consent. Verizon Media may assign or transfer its rights or obligations, or subcontract its obligations, under these terms and conditions without your consent.
  23. Verizon Media or its licensors retain and reserves all rights in and to each website, and all aspects of the contest and each prize, including all derivatives, developments, modifications and improvements.
  24. These terms and conditions, and any instructions from Verizon Media, constitute the entire agreement between you and Verizon Media, superseding any prior agreements between you and Verizon Media on the subject matter herein. Any failure or delay by Verizon Media in exercising or enforcing, or partial exercise or enforcement of, any right or provision of these terms and conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision (or waive any further exercise or enforcement) or any other right or provision. If any provision of these terms and conditions is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavour to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision and the other provisions of the terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect.
  25. These terms and conditions and any dispute relating thereto or between you and us shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore. The Parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act Revised Edition 2002 shall not be applicable to this Agreement.  

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